Become Embodied Oneness experiencing the pulse of Creation within you
Venus Light Technology & Twin Flame Soul Union

Open all dimensions of YOU to receive your I AM Light and Divine essence

  • If you are tired of seeking and its inner unrest in your life, here we align you to your pure essence soul’s vibration so you release your blockages to your soul embodiment & enlightenment. Profound healing awaits you!
  • If you are done with the not knowing, the Venus Light helps you to uplift this mist so you can see, unfold your true soul mission, discover your divine gifts and remember who you are on core level. So you can translate this in your life and experience greater meaning and fulfilment.
  • Are you tired of feeling small and fragile? The Venus Light attunes to your true blueprint so you may experience life and yourself as divine: a replica of creation 🙂
  • By undergoing this profound human healing and divine alignment, your love and worth for Self unfolds. Your Divine Light Being descends within your body, so you live in Truth, and experience life soulfully.
  • Aligned to your I AM Presence you move in and out of the framework of space and time into the Eternal state of the I AM. This high state of being provides the energetic portal for you to unfold your golden diamond heart and find all your answers within. You move from seeker to finder. Please listen to the testimonials.

For the metaphysician within: Venus Light Technology and its light fusion language is designed to

  • Deprogram and defragment the mind, and trigger your soul’s imaginative visions, senses, light codes, and gifts to live blissfully, to share, illuminate and uplift your world into light.
  • Transmit the light language information and codes through your internal light circuitry, aligned with your unique focus, soul imprint, and all your soul aspects of your cosmic being, for your personal growth.
  • Use light language in group and private sessions to address mind-emotion and biological cell issues. These are modelled after the natural’s natural Divine functions.
  • We offer you the space to create a new world of high-frequency light. Earth’s vibrations can shift to a higher state of consciousness in the high frequency world. When we thrive on high frequency, we emit love, peace, and bliss.

‘Coming home. Embodying your I AM presence, requires letting go of old human and cosmic biology and patterns. From here, your divine senses once again permeate your life and render it blissful and divine.

  • 30 Activations shifting you from your old-human foundations of lack consciouness to divine grace.

    • They are designed to awaken and activate your light essence. Once you do them, they remain in your system incarnation after incarnation. They adapt to your unique vibration, giving you exactly what you need to self realise..They are the tipping point in your spiritual evolution. You may choose to reembody your original settings if you so choose.
  • 8 private sessions

    • 1 Introductory Session: a first energy blueprint reading to set the tone for the complete process. You engage in a Divine Human process, meaning that the divine essences exist hand in hand with the human. This involves working on blueprint levels of the soul and the integration in daily life is important. For all private sessions, I allocate 60 – 75 minutes, depending on the dynamics of each session.
    • 5 Private Sessions for integration during the activation period of three months .
    • 2 additional Private Sessions during the last two months, deepening, and integration.
  • 8 group sessions

    • 6 Group Sessions first three months Group sessions comprise blocks of 1.5 hours for personal feedback, group discussions and group alignments.
    • 2 Group Sessions last two months.
  • A private heartful community platform that promotes 24/7 support, exchange, and sharing.

  • Archive of integrational activations ns as bonus material. Why? This process requires attunement of your human to your divine light codes.

  • Audiobook of the Enlightenment Codes for Cosmic Ascension. 

Energy exchange

Venus Light Technology & Twin Flame Soul Union is offered to you for 8000 euros.

Payment in installments is possible. Twin Flame soul Union separately is 1400 euros. 

Apply NOW

The integration process requires a lot of my time investment.  Quality and profound alignment is my dedication to you and being full-in.

For this, I only work with a limited number of people. I have enjoyed working this way and the energy and atmosphere are intimate, profound, safe and loving.

You may apply by replying to this mail,