Highly Intuitive, excel to your next level.
Self Realisation Cosmic Light Essence Embodiment What is Metaphysics of Light and the new Paradigm Teachings of Embodying your Pure Cosmic Code of Light
Cosmic Soul Light Embodiment
Next Level Intuitive: Increase your crystalline light

Is your intuition highly developed, and do you actively use your gift of channeling, reading energy, guiding, or coaching to serve others?

You want to increase your intuitive capacities in a unique way, on a full cosmic level.

Physical embodiment of your Cosmic Consciousness. 

Often we tune in to something outside of us to get answers to inner questions. But this module broadens, enlarges, deepens your intuitive channel, or light channel into your cosmic levels where you embody it.

You expand your inner light to such a level, you bring in enormous levels of consciousness, allowing you to evolve at quantum speed.

Here, the activations work directly on your light structure, which is why this module is perfect for people who do not want to undergo at this point human/soul transmutation, or address primordial patterns or embody their I AM presence.

Accelerate your growth in consciousness

In your capacities as a channeler, reader, intuitive, coach.

Ultimately, this module WILL ignite personal shifts, but you will experience it more on your own. Personal themes are less directly addressed.

This module does not provide included guidance. Nevertheless, you have the option to book a session upon request.

Be present in your full light. Connected to your cosmic wholeness and that of Cosmos. The Emerald Tablet within.
Is this Enlightenment Module for you as intuitive?

As intuitive, you are evolved in your consciousness and are experiences in spirituality. You understand what light essentially is and that, when it infuses you, you witness your reality transforming. You long for a blissful connection to your highest Self.

Having reached a plateau, you aim for substantial self-transcendence. You want to surpass yourself by large: You are seek a quantum leap.  Well attuned to your divine heart, you know how life desires to be lived. These activations will help you excel to the next level.

Benefits: Quantum Growth for you as intuitive
  • You integrate your cosmic state of being/light in your human body and thus take a quantum leap in cosmic consciousness. Activating within you all cosmic light frequencies present in your nature.Your inner light/consciousness expands, broadens, becomes highly developed and supportive for you as an intuitive.
  • For the metaphysician in you, even more, your refinement and intuitive nature, will enable you to transmit, re-pattern, and fractalize light. In other words, you will actively co-create in shaping your reality, windows of opportunities.From within, you co-create with your light so that your life meets soul desires/outcomes (conscious or unconscious). Situations no longer live you, you create them, in accordance with your light/soul.
  • It is a pure way of living, one without deviations and detours. This is a subconscious process for most people. Maybe it seems complex to explain. What I can say is it will become your second nature/way of being.

Thus as intuitive you gain:

  • even more clear vision, clear sentience, clear audience and clear knowingness.
  • Sharpened discernment
  • Your intuition enlarges, and you are able to view situations from an existential viewpoint transcending duality/polarity.
  • After this module, you continue to experience growth, because the incoming levels of consciousness will be structured in your new inner light channel
Master this!

For the metaphysician in you:

  • Embody your inner expansive nature, your cosmic matrix of Light.
  • Move into vibrational levels of Oneness.
  • Witness your DNA shift more and more into Light DNA, very intricate structures and refinement. Gifting you by large increased intuitive capacities.
  • Re-imprint your body as a Light Crystal. Yes, this is possible and realistic. Consequence is, you become highly intuitive.
Intuitive Nature transcended: What can you expect in daily life

Become sovereign

  • Enhance your spiritual growth by aligning with your soul’s deepest desires, like sharpening intuition and discernment, clair sentience, knowingness, voyance, audience.
  • Releasing emotional and mental lower vibrations linked to who you were before.
  • Gain profound insights, deepening channeling skills, and opening your heart. All blockages will be exposed when your light illuminates them.
  • Deepen your self-love and self-worth through your cosmic identity.

These activations you do autonomously at home.

However, I frequently organize monthly group calls for monthly readings.

You can also combine private sessions if desired. It’s a profound way to develop your cosmic consciousness embodied at your own pace.

This Enlightenment Module, like the others, is a quantum movement towards full enlightenment.

In this quantum movement, the Enlightenment Codes support you in the biggest shift you can do as a human being and as a soul.

Which is, transforming yourself  into your

Purest Light form