Self Realization and Actualization Center. The Divine Heart

Among the most profound Enlightenment Modules for I AM presence embodiment and Quantum Growth on Earth.

The Self-Realization & Self-Actualization Enlightenment Modules of the Divine Heart fuse cosmology, quantum physics, metaphysics with most profound physical cleansing, and light codes embodiment.

These light codes allow your human body to align to your highest light frequencies, build your light for divine alignment of your human here on Earth.

Venus Light Technology even facilitates the embodiment of your I AM presence, alignment to zero-point energy, harmonic resonance, and the expression of your divine essence in daily life. After many years of courses, retreats, sessions, your human can now undergo a most profound release of old human lack consciousness and transmute current foundations.

These enlightenment modules have come into being so you live the I AM that I AM, experience a light and loving way of being, express your purest, all-encompassing you, and manifest enlightenment in the earthly realm.

“The fundamental purpose of your existence.”

Choose Your Self-Realization, Self-Actualization Enlightenment Module
Venus Light Technology spiritual course, source teachings and ascended mastery for cosmic consciousness, inner transformation, enlightenment and self realisation of the I AM Presence I AM THAT I AM

Full Immersion Enlightenment Module

Crumble your human foundations. Heal your wounds. Transmute your Old Human nature of lack. Embody your I AM Presence. Live aligned to your Divine Essence. See Testimonials.
Twin Flame Soul Union spiritual course for uniting your twin flame soul essence and source teachings, ascended mastery for cosmic consciousness, inner transformation, enlightenment and self realisation

Heal your most profound heart wound.

Heal your primordial pain of existence. Transmute, discern the old not serving you. Elevate relationship patterns with Self, others and life. Profound.
What is Metaphysics of Light and the new Paradigm Teachings of Embodying your Pure Cosmic Code of Light. Spiritual program and course for embodiment of Enlightenment Self Realisation Divine Human Cosmic consciousness Ascension

Elevate your Light & Cosmic Consciousness

Connect to your inner cosmic Light, its purity, free flow in your daily  life. Align to your pure light nature, increase its intensity, quality & consciousness of your inner cosmic nature.

Illuminate your unknown innate soul potentials

Awaken, align your Soul’s Divine Potentials. Move them into manifestation into your life. Enjoy the discoveries of who you are. Profound….
Cosmic Heart divine heart as spiritual course program with divine sound, light language for Enlightenment Self Realisation cosmic divine heart as cosmic portal to cosmic consciousness

Expansion and enlightenment of your heart.

Expand your heart and consciousness to unprecedented regions in your own soul light sphere. Discover your heart’s cosmic nature. Nourish yourself with the remembrance of your expanded Self.
Enlightenment Soul Embodiment session for the Preparation to embody your divinity Enlightenment Self Realisation Trajectory

Private Sessions

These powerful and profound sessions prepare you for Soul Embodiment and alignment to your I AM presence. Alignment to your Light of your ancestry, biography, soul history; keeping you from your soul path. Discern, align, choose & LIVE.
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