Your Soul Moon Cycle

Your Soul’s Moon Cycle: Accelerate Inner Growth

  • Do you desire to accelerate AND deepen your spiritual journey?
  • Would you appreciate the freedom to accelerate and deepen independently, without constant reliance on others?
  • Would you like to feel, experience what your soul talents are, without having to reach out to others for guidance and clarity all the time?
  • Do you want it to evolve and get to the point?
  • In short, are you the kind of person who wants to feel that you are moving forward and not stagnate or linger?

Difference of widely known moon courses

Most courses or retreats have the tendency is to focus on our moon. We already know the moon’s impact She opens you for a new beginning.

Now imagine our moon with a grid of moons throughout the cosmos behind her, each conveying their unique energy to our moon and then to you.

⇒This is the level of power of which I speak.

How do people experience these Cosmic Moon Cycle Codes?

Many who have done this Moon Cycle Code enlightenment module did indeed have in mind the well-known moon rituals and the pro-forma moon influence on humans. I would talk to them about the underlying power network and then they would join to try. Until now, the transformative power has amazed every participant!!

This Cosmic Moon Codes is naturally authentic, expansive and all-encompassing in opening your soul, your unknown potentials and also your blockages. What needs to manifest, manifests itself. That makes this module so pure and unique.

It adapts perfectly to you.

Your Soul Moon Cycle: In Practice

The Cosmic Moon Cycle Codes: Activations done during 8 different moon phases.

The activations open you to release and ignite new beginnings from within. You discover and experience this in daily life.

Three months is the recommended minimum duration for the series. You have lifetime access.

After the three months, I suggest you continue as they keep deepening you. They bring you closer to your essence and you deepen them into your physical body.

  • You will feel you release what needs to release, and
  • The potentials that needs to surface, will emerge.
  • You just need to focus on feeling worthy and loving enough to RECEIVE.

Group Setting & Personal In-depth readings

During the Moon Cycle: I offer this series in a group setting with monthly calls.and readings.

We can extend the group setting upon request.

Additionally, there’s a private group for exchanging.

The Moon Codes is a profound way to release and develop your potential at your own pace.

Reach out if you want to join and check the schedule here.

Or book a free call.

The Cosmic Moon Cycle Codes are self-generating.

This means, cycle after cycle they ignite a dynamic within you to keep bringing into light your inner obstacles to your enlightenment.

Because the Cosmic Moon Cycle codes ignite your own inner Soul Realization Cycle, it is truly a wonderful series to work with.

You practically automate your inner growth!!!

The Cosmic Moon Cycle Codes purify your human and soul. Help to manifest soul mission

They shine a light on untapped soul potentials, awakening your understanding of inner qualities and capabilities.

From a metaphysical viewpoint, the Cosmic Moon Codes align to I AM light sphere and your soul aspects. Therefore, you gain continuous awareness and may feel them present in your daily life. These potentials illuminate you more and more. A self-generating process sets itself into motion.

You might experience:

  • releasing ingrained patterns,
  • enhanced intuition,
  • realizing soul potentials,
  • completing an inner project/desire.

You then choose to make them a reality. By doing this, you are fulfilling your soul’s mission.

The Cosmic Moon Cycle Codes challenge self-worth and love

If you feel your worth, you embody your soul essence fully in your body.

Your physical form then embodies your soul potential codes.

Body and soul co-create, enlightening and transforming your body.

The Cosmic Moon Cycle and the I AM presence 

By doing the activations on a monthly basis, the continuum release allows you to

Experience your pure light consciousness

Release your light, in other words, manifest it and become it

Thoroughly cleanse and get the maximum potential from your current level of consciousness.

The Cosmic Moon Cycle Activations, to my view, do not allow the quantum leap into I AM presence levels, but they present a perfect way for accelerated growth and manifestation of potentials of current consciousness levels. You unlock, unpack and manifest all that is ready within to reveal itself. It is a fast-track experience.

Benefits from doing the Cosmic Moon Cycle Codes

Be authentic to your true nature and you will awaken new untapped possibilities.

Avoid searching for creativity by looking at what others do or what already exists. Find it within yourself.

Your energy is unique and has its own vibration. You realise yourself by truly becoming YOU. This module gradually allows you to do so.

Embrace your uniqueness and stay connected to it.


Cosmic Moon Cycle Codes

Is this for you?

People from all backgrounds are drawn to The Cosmic Moon Codes for profound soul potential growth.

From health professionals, spiritual teachers,  to parents raising “light-children,” from people on a path to enlightenment and self-healing to people who choose pure heart relationships or enlightened spirits.
For those seeking to illuminate the corporate environment with purity and integrity. This technology appeals to imaginative thinkers and visionaries who want to transform the world.

This Enlightenment Module, like the others, is a quantum movement towards full enlightenment.

In this quantum movement, the Enlightenment Codes support you in the biggest shift you can do as a human being and as a soul.

Which is, transforming yourself  into your purest Light form