Self Realization Center

Enlightenment Modules bring you back to your source. Returning home.

Each enlightenment module offers a series of advanced light code activations you listen to. They  fuse cosmology, quantum physics, metaphysics in the form of  divine sound, sacred geometry, cosmic resonances and source code vibrations. Of all the vibrations, source code vibrations have the highest frequencies. Each activation adapts to your unique light codes and provides what is necessary for your consciousness expansion and self-realization and actualization.

Each enlightenment module aligns you with the pure light codes of your soul. This divine alignment brings you back to the purity of your soul. Instead of linear growth, you engage in quantum growth. They urge you to reveal your true essence within. By doing so, you release the barriers that hold you back as a person and soul. You allow soul growth and the emergence of your divine potential & soul.

An enlightenment module can come with private one-on-one sessions and/or group sessions. I recommend you join the group settings because, they offer personal guidance and additional activations for deepening. You can find more information within each module or reach out via the contact form.

Among the most profound Enlightenment modules for I AM presence embodiment.

Discover the Enlightenment Modules
Venus Light Technology spiritual course, source teachings and ascended mastery for cosmic consciousness, inner transformation, enlightenment and self realisation of the I AM Presence I AM THAT I AM

Crumble human foundations. Align to divine essence.

Light codes activations & personal guidance  for divine alignment and profound cleansing of human patterns to infuse your soul’s highest light codes in your body.  Embodiment of I AM presence energy: your highest self and overarching light sphere emitting your pure white light essence: your truth. The I AM Presence to Hindus is Brahma, to Buddhists Dharmakaya or truth body, to Christians, God the Father.

What is the I AM presence and the I AM that I AM?

What is Metaphysics of Light and the new Paradigm Teachings of Embodying your Pure Cosmic Code of Light. Spiritual program and course for embodiment of Enlightenment Self Realisation Divine Human Cosmic consciousness Ascension

Reconnect to Cosmic Consciousness

Light codes activations for expanding the energy body to cosmic frequencies – your cosmic being. This opens you for future ascension waves & incoming light codes, so you anchor them & grow exponentially.
Self Actualization Divine Potential

Embody unknown soul potentials

Light codes activations monthly to move with the cosmic moon cycle and reveal your divine potential from unconscious to conscious. In group setting: 3 months. Possible to extend.
Cosmic Heart divine heart as spiritual course program with divine sound, light language for Enlightenment Self Realisation cosmic divine heart as cosmic portal to cosmic consciousness

Expansion & enlightenment of the heart

Light code activations to deepen unprecedented regions in your light sphere. Discover the heart’s cosmic nature. Experience your expanded Self.
Twin Flame Soul Union spiritual course for uniting your twin flame soul essence and source teachings, ascended mastery for cosmic consciousness, inner transformation, enlightenment and self realisation

Heal the most profound heart wound

Light codes activations to cleanse ancient heart wounds reverberating in the now, enabling pure relationships. Offered in the Venus Light.

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Embodied EnlightenmentEvents & LaunchesVenus Light Technology

Experience your Most Profound Inner Spirituality. This is a Quantum Leap into your I AM Presence – All Knowingness

  A profound spiritual alchemical journey awaits you.  Venus Light Technology launches January 2025. Core Spirituality: Allow yourself to experience -truly- your soul.   I could not express it otherwise.  With Venus Light technology, experience an intense and fierce spiritual cleansing. Experience the spirituality of your core soul by feeling it, remembering it, identifying with…

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