Embody your pure Soul Essence. Join the January 2025 Enrollment.
2025/01/17 00:31:00

    Self Realization Shrine
    Profound Human Cleansing. I AM Embodiment
    Venus Light Technology spiritual course, source teachings and ascended mastery for cosmic consciousness, inner transformation, enlightenment and self realisation of the I AM Presence I AM THAT I AM
    Enroll now
    5 Month Full Immersion Self Realisation Program with profound one-on-one guidance
    From Ordinary to Extraordinary

    Consolidate the inner work you have done so far and break through to new levels unimagined. You know you can evolve much further. Express the full essence of your soul. Are you ready to become expansive, all-loving, knowing: a Divine Embodied Light. The expression of your highest Self: your I AM presence? 

    What is Venus Light Technology?
    Your ‘Quantum Leap’ in this Self Realization Shrine.
    Profound old human cleansing

    Are you seeking to embody your life in a profound and expansive way? Venus Light greatly guides you to once and for all, clear all emotional, mental and spiritual blockages in your human persona and soul history. So you can be light, physically, emotionally, mentally and live surrendered to the divine flow of your soul trusting what comes your way and handling it with divine grace. Venus Light enhances the fulfilment and abundance of life, allowing you to express this in your being, your work, your relationships.

    Manifesting and opening yourself unimagined

    Venus Light will open all the cells of your heart and let life unfold in an unprecedented way. Venus Light introduces a new way of being, of living life, of working with people, of raising children, of teaching, performing, creating. It impacts all facets of your life, all facets of you.

    Becoming your core - your Truth

    Venus Light Technology works with the blueprint of your soul and offers you high frequent transmissions of source codes. In doing so, it greatly eliminates the old human and soul distortions to remember your true nature, your truth, so you live lightly, abundantly, lovingly, and lead by example. This new leadership BEING & SHINING is what the Earth, and your surrounding needs. Venus Light will provide a full-immersion cleansing and divine alignment, so you crystallize in the centre of your being thereby achieving peace, stillness, and all-encompassing love & knowingness.  

    Feeling human and divine. The drop and the Ocean. The I AM that I AM

    Venus Light offers a new way to embody your light and soul essence, the I AM presence. This will allow you to live the I Am that I Am in everyday life. The I Am that I Am means you innerly know you are human, but also divine. You are the drop and the ocean at the same time.  

    I AM THAT I AM  Receive a reset, a new beginning as soul and as human. Even in between earthly incarnations, your soul went through numerous challenges leaving you with profound patterns inhibiting you now, from a fulfilling and blissful life.  

    The only desire every soul has is to: embody your true core soul essence, your I AM presence. 

    Will I truly embody my hightest and all-encompassing essence, the I AM Presence and live the I AM that I AM? Yes…
    Embodied Enlightenment

    Your time for seeking is over. You spent centuries questing the grail….the extraordinary&divine within. Now you need to shift from seeking to finding. Releasing your human, spiritual soul blockings require courage, but your soul guides you through.  Gift yourself to be pure & clear. To see, feel, think love in accordance to your core soul. Striving or focussing on lessons learned is old school, just allowing to be pure, light and blissful within and connected is what Venus Light offers.  

    Venus Light Technology allows you to cleanse profoundly, become fully aware of who you are, and Self Realize. 

    The Venus Light trajectory: experience your pure soul essence, reconnect with your cosmic self. In your foundation, you refine your light essence providing you crystal clear clarity, great discernment of who you are and people around you, life. Even more so, your DNA transforms aligning you with own divine nature and cosmic Self. You anchor this soul remembrance within. This reconnection aligns you to the harmonious vibrations of your soul. In your human form on Earth, the essence of your Light shines through you.  This harmony allows you to become emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually sovereign, so you tap into your true I AM presence energy, fostering a deep sense of empowerment and authenticity. 

    Quantum growth? This Self Realization Shrine transports you to the I AM Presence time line
    I AM Presence Time line

    Venus Light activations guide you to profoundly cleanse your human and soul on countless levels, dissolve old patterns, and integrate your Divine Light. These activations reach the core of your being dissolving the old not serving you in this life any longer. They move through your inner pathways making this experience personal and fully aligned to your unique human and soul. Your will transform in your own organic biorhythm. 

    It is time for you to reach the base of who you are. This time with all parameters reset, greatly clearing precedents inhibiting you on emotional, mental and spiritual level. As sovereign leader of your being, you guide your awakening to lead the awakening of many others as a Pure Leader by example. 

    You transition to frequencies of cosmic ascension; this means you are set to evolve to fully bloom of all that you are to find completion within. Your heart opens to life unimagined.  Divine grace, abundance, bliss and fulfillment  become the cornerstones upon which you thrive. Moving through life and its outer obstacles with divine grace, discernment and surrendered to your soul. 

    You embody your Self Realization.

    Noone will do this journey like you will. Venus Light Technology offers exactly what your soul requires to enlighten, self-realise and ascend.
    I AM Presence Embodied Enlightenment Self Realization Center

    Divine Trust guides you while you leap into your self-realization and unique vibration of your soul offering you completeness and a coming home. What you need and what best serves you is the true form of abundance. 

    This Self Realization Shrine and the Venus Light Technology take care of you and your soul. Your soul guides you through. We are here to support you in the profound release of cosmic and human biology. This process requires honesty, loyalty, integrity faithfulness and profound love for Self. You will feel carried through it. The first phase may be contentious, but if you hear your soul calling, you will transform. 

    The Venus Light is far beyond awakening. It re-aligns with your Divine Essence, encoding your soul memory for the here and now and your future soul journey
    Self Realization Shrine Venus LIght

    Embodying your Truth offers profound changes on human and soul level, transforming your perspective on others, life, and yourself. This leads to a clear cosmic soul purpose and offers a cosmological perspective, as you innerly know & feel you are pure & divine.  

    You remember your innate creative soul being and shine its light, to illuminate others’ paths. You embody your wholeness and come fully home within your bones.

    You realize you are the essence of Creation.

    Self Realization Shrine Venus Light

    People from all walks of life and backgrounds join Venus Light because it offers the deepest spiritual quantum growth, From health professionals, spiritual teachers, to parents raising “light-children,” from people on a path to enlightenment and self-healing to people who choose pure heart relationships or enlightened spirits. 
    For those who want to illuminate the corporate environment with purity & integrity. With its ground-breaking new light structure, this technology also appeals to imaginative thinkers and visionaries who want to transform the world within the Era of Light. 

    Self Realization Shrine Venus Light

    The Venus Light is a new paradigm teaching embodying Prima Mater Source Code technology and Cosmic Buddha Teachings. Therefor countless Ascended Masters and the Cosmic Beings of the Venus Light co-created the Venus Light Technology. We and the Venus Light offer you a unique enlightenment module aligned with your unique soul energy – so you become your Divine Human and more. Your I AM Presence.

    Enlightenment Self Realization Shrine

    Testimonials cover the desire for the manifestation of divine essence, feeling expansive, and returning home within. Balanced Oneness between the divine feminine and masculine, embraced divine sense of being, sovereignty, light emanation, bliss, and abundance. Light parenting, and all-encompassing love and compassion.. A deep love for the human body: perceiving the body as divine and beautiful

    Your Path to Enlightenment and what Enlightenment truly means.

    Meet Andrea Alhstrom. She is an Akashic Energy Reader, painter, writer, astrologer with a profound knowledge in metaphysics and a beautiful mother. She joined the Venus Light Technology and immersed herself in her core soul essence to come home and be here from her divine heart. Listen to how she embodied her soul light, lives from a resonance of pure peace, abundance, inner trust and walks life with pure inner all-encompassing knowingness. Her relationship with Life, Self and others have become joyful, from soul to soul, from divine to divine.


    © Music Luke Faulkner. “Reminiscence”

    Can you heal your life, your most profound wounds and align to your inner divine nature?

    Yes, you can.

    Meet Thomas, an engineer in aerospace engineering, he practices his passion in sustainable and charming wood construction with an eyewink to a nostalgic past, beauty, warmth and purity. Thomas joined the Venus Light Technology self realization shrine and went through a profound 9 month release.
    I know Thomas for several years now and this journey was a profound experience for both as I witnessed him moving into his light and quoting I Have Arrived, I Am Home, Thich Nhat Hanh.
    He now lives from peace, joy, harmony and experiences a deep connection with his cosmic soul essence, guiding him and making him feel sovereign in life.
    © Music Luke Faulkner, One afternoon in Summer

    I AM divine and thrive on the guidance of All That Is while knowing All is well

    Meet Angelique, she is an energy reader and healer with deep insight into family constellations. She has been going through the Venus Light Program for the past 6 months. This Self Realization Shrine allowed her to come into deeper alignment with her soul and the embodiment of her divine light. Listen to how she is on her way to fulfilling her soul’s mission in this life. Discover how she experiences her divinity and Light Being, how she relates to her life and Life with a feeling of profound trust and all-encompassing love.

    © Music Luke Faulkner. “Reminiscence”

    My lifelong search for profound healing was a lonely process. Now I feel Divine and have all Inner Knowingness within. I am Home.

    Meet Yasmina Lemsiah. She is a contextual therapist, lifelong activist and spoken word artist in Brussels. She joined the Venus Light Technology program. After three months, she experienced quantum growth and moved into her I AM presence.
    She embodied the completeness of her soul and the knowingness of creation. She will continue her life from this divine loving and high frequent soul vibration.
    Thank you, sweet Yasmina. I enjoyed co-creating with you. Life will carry you into your most profound wishes and allow you to manifest them fully!


    © Music Luke Faulkner. “Reminiscence”

    I AM Divine

    Meet Caroline, Carolne already had a solid background in spirituality, and universal merkaba teachings. She is particularly creative and translates this in her work as a make-up artist.

    Meet Chris. He is an osteopath with a thriving practice in Antwerp, where he tunes people’s hearts.

    I AM Light

    I AM Divine

    Meet Noemie. She is an actress and opera singer. This testimonial is imbued with wonder and amazement. Through the Venus Light Technology, she embodied

    Light Anchorage, the Divine Child within, Lighthouse & being a Home for others, Coming Home within and all the above