Twin Flame Soul Union spiritual course for uniting your twin flame soul essence and source teachings, ascended mastery for cosmic consciousness, inner transformation, enlightenment and self realisation

Cosmic Remembrances

Twin Flame. Restore Sovereignty

Twin Flame and existing Wooly Misconceptions

You have already evolved a lot. You understand very well the true meaning of spirituality: being integrating the fullness of your soul into your human body.

This Twin Flame series focuses on inner work, not on finding or attracting your Twin Flame in this lifetime. It’s about addressing the missing piece in your soul, leading to a lasting sense of wholeness and contentment beyond this incarnation even. Therefore, the focus shouldn’t be on finding something outside yourself. That’s not the essence of true spirituality. The pursuit of your Twin Flame can sidetrack you from the crucial work of self-realization.

Twin Flame Soul Wound and the Impact on daily life

This series addresses a deep-seated wound common to most souls in this region of the cosmos. The lingering effects of past wounds still shape your life experiences, relationships, and sense of self. In particular, feelings of loss, loneliness, being ‘alone’, betrayal, deceit, jealousy, competition, grief, and so on. Do you recognize these feelings? Maybe one of them is very present at this point in your life.

Twin Flame Soul Wound and Society

The problem is the current societal vibe does not support you in the release of this wound. Movies, books, music are mainly about these emotions as most of us resonate so well with them. You find rest and peace within the familiarity of these emotions. Because you are still in this energy or layer of consciousness, even after years of inner work.

Primordial Wound keeping you in a detrimental relational loop. Even with Yourself.

The unfortunate thing is, these patterns come back life after life, because they have formed a blueprint that you now know well and continue to incarnate on.

Consequence is you also attract people living on this blueprint. You endlessly remain in the same patterns unless you address the core of the matter.

Knowing the impact, it is important you remove this from your soul tissue, so that you no longer resonate on this energy.

Because, when you consciously or unconsciously let go of these feelings and energies, it creates a tremendous amount of space for your authentic self-expression and creative exploration.

Most important, you stop searching for the missing piece and feel more complete.

The twin flame union addresses your most profound separation wound which reverberates in the present and allows you to re-pattern yourself for discernment, bliss and love.

What is Twin Flame Soul Union NOT?

This activation series is therefore not woolly or dreamy in nature. When you undergo the activations, you will feel in your heart and life how you heal deeply and experience life as fulfilling. You will also gain a deeper view of your relationship dynamics and understand how to transform and heal them. Furthermore, love and self-esteem will increase considerably.

‘This series is groundwork if you like embodied spirituality and seek to manifest your Light Master within.’

What will the Twin Flame offer you?

You dissolve an existential longing causing you to feel incomplete, alone, not loving, nor worthy enough …

Releasing the primordial wound energy brings Light sovereignty, gentleness, wholeness, lightness, connectedness, and peace to your heart.

The effect of these activations work at the level of your soul’s blueprint.

These realignments, restorations, and healings are designed to be of lasting nature throughout all your forthcoming soul lives and transmute your human molecular essence.

Is this for you?

This is for you if you long for a daily feeling of wholeness, a deep emotional satisfaction that you can truly feel. Whether you perceive this in your own thoughts and emotions or in your relationships with others. Expect to:

  • Release separation trauma and experience fulfilling relationships,
  • Balance your heart energies deep into your soul,
  • Experience relationships as lighter, free and emotionally more neutral;
  • Fulfill an existential, undefined longing.

Offered Now: Free 45 min Consultation for deepening of this Enlightenment Module, the Twin Flame

Soul Searching

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Stir the heart’s deepest passion and wisdom within all the layers of your existence
The Twin Flame series will take your soul and spirit into very deep trances, meditations to download unique soul directives, light codes and transform your human molecular cell structure. It does not contain music nor marketing distractions, which would distract its purpose to be Fully Present in your heart’s stillness to receive the sound, light and color vibrations These deep trances are designed to change your life and stir the heart’s deepest passion within all the layers of your existence and its wisdom.
Experience balance, completeness, inner calm, peace, and deep inner confidence.
The light language in the activations is truly divine and heavenly. The energies work at a profound level. Oceans of blissful crystalline codes bring healing and a rich tapestry of light energies weave and align the etheric structures of the human body. The Twin Flames series bring balance, completeness, inner calm, peace, and deep inner confidence.
Embody an grounded and at the same time expansive heart
I experienced the first activations as deeply transformative, almost orgasmic, my whole body tingled and flowed. I felt deeply moved, tears flowing down my cheeks. It felt like being reunited with a loved one after a long time, but more intimate than an embrace can ever be. A deep coming home to yourself within yourself. This was followed by a stabilization process that was calmer in nature and allowed my heart to descend deeper into my pelvic region. My heart now feels anchored, emotionally stable, supported, expansive and safe. I feel complete and no longer feel the need to seek something complementary in a partner. I am at home in my heart.