Embodied Enlightenment - The Divine Human Enlightenment Modules

The Enlightenment Codes and the Divine Heart Mystery School embrace ancient cosmological knowledge and integrate it in a meta- and quantum physical way into the light codes you will receive. 

Are you looking for the opportunity to make quantum growth and embody your soul essence in your body?

Are you done reading books, attending retreats, going on therapy or healing sessions, to find yourself at the core level and live every day?


Are you ready to let go of the idea of the Journey to know yourself and can you now embrace the idea that this could be your moment?

You’ve come to the right place.


Change awaits you.

You will no longer be the same. The life that awaits you tune in to the call of your soul. Joy and lightness you may expect, and much letting go….
Are you ready for this? A new beginning as an enlightened human being.


The Divine Heart offers Soul Architectural and Light Building trajectories expanding your consciousness into the cosmic levels of creation, so you embody your Divine Human -here and now- and walk the path of full ascension.

Discover which enlightenment module serves you best at this moment. If you have questions, reach out and I’ll clarify for you.

With Kindness,

Sabrina Di Nitto

Self-Realisation Full Immersion
Venus Light Technology spiritual course, source teachings and ascended mastery for cosmic consciousness, inner transformation, enlightenment and self realisation of the I AM Presence I AM THAT I AM
Smaller Series The Divine Human
Twin Flame Soul Union spiritual course for uniting your twin flame soul essence and source teachings, ascended mastery for cosmic consciousness, inner transformation, enlightenment and self realisation
Metaphysics of Light
What is Metaphysics of Light and the new Paradigm Teachings of Embodying your Pure Cosmic Code of Light. Spiritual program and course for embodiment of Enlightenment Self Realisation Divine Human Cosmic consciousness Ascension
What is Metaphysics of Light and the new Paradigm Teachings of Embodying your Pure Cosmic Code of Light
Moon Metaphysics
Self Actualization Divine Potential
Self Actualization Divine Potential
Preparatory Individual Trajectory. Embodying your balanced Human
Enlightenment Soul Embodiment session for the Preparation to embody your divinity Enlightenment Self Realisation Trajectory
Enlightenment Soul Embodiment session for the Preparation to embody your divinity Enlightenment Self Realisation Trajectory
Scale of Light reading session to become an ascended mastery embody cosmic consciousness, inner transformation, enlightenment and self realisation
Enlightenment Soul Embodiment session for the Preparation to embody your divinity Enlightenment Self Realisation Trajectory
Light Tablet
Enlightenment Book