An exploration on Light Parenting and embodied enlightenment so your children know they are
Light, Purity, Beauty, omniscient Wisdom and thrive on sovereign freedom;
enjoying a meaningful life embodying their true identity.
From Conscious parenting to Light parenting
A new way of soulful parenting. What is Light parenting and why it profoundly contributes to a blissful experience of your life.
Light parenting and embodied enlightenment transcends mental and emotional conscious parenting.
You no longer project your old childhood wounds onto your children. Your unfulfilled wishes of yesteryear and unmanifested repressed passion have led you into a life where you are doing “well” by regular standards, but within you are dimmed and emotionally empty or lost. You can’t reach your soul… silence and incertainty prevails.
No more talking, no more lamentation about your own childhood, yourself, your parents, or what you yourself have not succeeded in or what you would rather see in your child. We stop this emotional infinite cycle. It is never-ending. Even with deep healing of your own inner child, you always remain in this cycle, because there are always subtle layers of sadness and unfulfillment, disappointment, doubt, despair….
No more… this is all what Light parenting -not- is.
When Light parenting you transcend the human deficit and projection aspect. You transcend the conscious mindlful approach and become it. You heal, align to your divine self, and experience parenthood as an equal soul-to-soul relationship. This relationship is about profound trust, inner knowingness, and beauty.
As a conscious parent, how can you sense your child’s soul light? What is the difference when you mentally understand a soul relationship or in Light parenting you embody your soul light’s pure essence?
As a Light Parent, you listen with your soul, to the soul of your child. You know, embody your soul light and that of your child. You -know and see – yourself as a beautiful soul, and your child is a beautiful being, nothing more nothing less. Thinking is no longer part of this. The totality of your body, heart and being feels the true nature of your child.
Wen you transcend from conscious parenting to light parenting, ou embody the essence of your soul in your physical tissue and simply know you are divine pure essence light. No need to ponder on this or doubting it. You have become your light, your soul and guide your child seeing mainly its essence soul light. This allows all projections and restraining inner child emotions to dissolve in between both. Only love, purity and clarity remain, founding profound trust in your relationship.
From this infused soul light, together you look at life from a transcendent perspective. Earthly experiences are given a different dimension, insight, and wisdom. Herein is a lot of safety for you, your inner child, and your biological child. The three of you thrive in existential and emotional safety because your child knows in its most profound levels, it is safe with you: because you love all your child is. You honour all of it.
Your child knows it is safe with you and well guided because you are healed, aligned to your purest soul light, and embodied divine essence. Furthermore, as embodied soul, you understand the dynamics of life on Earth because you consciously access your soul’s wisdom. Strong, wise, and delicately fragile, you understand how to navigate these earthly waters.
A relationship of uttermost beauty.
As a conscious parent, and without embodied enlightenment, your human wounds of your inner child, ancestral lines, or cosmic lines, influence your pure Light parenting’s capacity.
There are main inner child wounds. I will for more general information refer to
For this time, I want to talk about the approval and rejection wound, which are the most common childhood wounds. These have a deep cosmic root, without you realizing it. And in this article, I will take it a step further and look at it from a soul perspective.
The Human Ego perspective
You desire your father and mother to approve you for you are, to see you for who you are and tell you they love you for who you are.
However, often they are still occupied with their inner unsolved emotions, their values, and norms. They are unable to truly -see- you. Being sad and somewhat lonely in your heart and try seek it outside with other people, in other type of relationships. Using relationships to fulfil this inner need for approval. This is a general human theme, making you dependant of others, and for which a large percentage of the population attends a psychologist.
The Pure Heart Perspective
I have healed all this within for so many years. Still, I experienced anger and sadness in my life. When I sat down to understand what this anger was about, I discerned people projecting all their issues around my heart, yet no one saw, let still touched, my bright luminescent heart light and connected to -me- as they were so busy figuring out or even fighting their inner emotional and mental distortions.
This disappointed me. I promised myself my children would not live this. What can you expect from someone who has not found peace within? What can you expect from a human being still in need of something of another to heal within? How pure, loving, and soulful are these relationships when you still project and are in need?
What if you are doing this to your own child, leaving it behind unfelt, unseen, and emotionally abandoned? What can your child expect of you?
It is sad and unfortunate because being a parent is difficult. Before you realise; all projections have already been transferred and this energy imprint in the ancestral cycle continues.
From conscious parenting to light parenting. How your little one develops coping mechanisms to deal with hurtful projections, or is this a sign for you to wake up and protect your child?
The key question is our carrying capacity as human being, as parent and child? To what level can we handle projections of criticism, pain, hurt, false expectations and sadness? At what stage do we unconsciously create a coping mechanism, build walls to protect our heart to not undergo this dimming energy exchange and abandonment? It is important you realise projections only deviate you from your actual wound and do not heal.
Shouldn’t we discover our true essence to understand what the nature of projection is and liberate us from them? You can’t ask someone else to take responsibility for their words and behaviour. In that case, you try to control the outside world. You can’t expect someone to save you. There is no one to save you. You need to wake up and act.
Your Soul Wounds narrowing your Light parenting experience and impeding the deep core soul connection you and your child desired when incarnating in this life together.
From a soul perspective.
The approval wound goes beyond earthly experiences. It is about how you, from a soul perspective, life after life, dare to enter that profound connection with life on Earth. How you dare to stand in your feminine and masculine energy and connect with all emotions life entails; knowing you can handle them. You do not run away from yourself or life. Your human gestates and grows towards your soul.
This wound is existential and shows you how you as a soul, life after life, can align to your divine essence (which is perfect as creation is) and embody your soul’s masculine and feminine qualities. How you can speak your pure truth and show people who you are, in a refined but uttermost powerful way.
This is how life wants to be lived.
When as a parent you have not yet a healthy masculine and feminine soul energy, you project your wound onto your child. The pure innocent power of your child may scare you, even if young and little. You then restrain and control your child with words and behavior, and project to cope with your emotional wounds.
I understand it is challenging for deeper layers to be touched and to be unsafe.
Do you know Light parenting is only about you?
Embody your soul, dissolve your human wounds so you experience your child as perfect and enjoy a blissful, transcendent relationship. The Venus Light Technology guides you to this.
Your child is a divine child with its pure, divine essence within. There is no doubt about that. And if your child shows emotional distortions, unrest, anxiety, stress, sadness, then it probably carries one of the parents’ wounds.
Most times, it would be shortsighted to conclude that it is of the child. This shows you don’t discern the divine nature of the child, but merely look at the consequences of your wounded projections upon your child. It makes the relationship impure.
In short, if you still resonate with your wounds, you are not free to see divine purity. If you are not loving towards yourself and do not feel free, you cannot experience the divine light of your child. And your child will feel shortchanged in this.
You won’t access the core of your soul to experience the core of your child’s soul.
Not freeing yourself equates to burdening your child.
Your children are here to confront you about your pain, grief, and anger. They want you to have a loving vision of yourself so you can love their core soul essence. That inner clarity allows you to align to their core soul level.
Why is Light parenting so important for you? Why does it play a crucial role in your evolution as human and soul and promotes a Garden of Eden on Earth? A life like in the ethereal realms?
Your child deserves to be seen from its light. Already, coming into incarnation to be with you, is difficult. A lot of pregnancies spontaneously abort because a soul finds it challenging and scary to confine its light to the human body.
If your child surpassed this stage, it grows in the uterus imbued in all the emotions a mother experiences, which rush through their fragile body like a high freight train.
When your baby surpassed this stage to be with you and live a life in which many environments are emotionally unsafe is an act of loyalty. Many humans still have not woken up and understood what emotional and spiritual responsibility is. How tender and open a child can be, the slightest vibrations of abuse, shut it down, build walls and grow within polarity, sadness, dissapointment.
Your spiritual responsibility as a conscious light parent.
There is no difference between living an ethereal life in the realms or being here on Earth. Bring your heaven to Earth.
Do you also feel this is the most beautiful gift you can offer yourself and life.
Light parenting evolves humanity into profound soul awareness and your child finds safe emotional havens among human beings on Earth.
Your inner light embodied by you, allows you to BE Light and see the ones around you as light.
What if every ones of us lives this way? Would you love life? If we all would thrive on love and compassion, would you feel your child and you are supported and cared for? No wounds, no duality, only the soft embrace of life and those who remember how to live it.
My Light parenting Story. Guide your children pure and soulful, so they live a sovereign life, trust their inner voice, love their body and soul, and access their inner heart wisdom.
I have always ensured my children would stay in their original energy to not pollute their pure soul essence. People and mass consciousness are dense.
The Eleusinian mysteries. intrigued me. In Ancient Greece, the Goddess Demeter used fire and held the kings ‘son to the fire each night as a symbol for cleansing from mass consciousness, projections, absorbed emotions.
Of course, I did not literally apply Demeter’s strategy. Nevertheless, every evening, I aligned my children with their divine nature while they fell asleep. It did not take that long, maybe 15 minutes.
No parent is perfect, and I am not either. But this I did as my heart asked it of me.
At times my daughter still asks for an alignment, because ‘I want to feel myself profoundly’, she says. By doing so, she maintained her clairvoyance, clairsentience, and inner knowingness. She sees her other soul aspects, and interacts with her overall soul. She allows herself to be guided and does this purely.
Looking back, I’m grateful that this I could do for her. This was my gift to her because she will always feel guided wherever she is with whomever she is. She has her own deep soul connection.
Discover how Venus Light Technology guides you in melting away from your old, wounded parent and human.
You remember how life can be lived. You remember why you chose life on Earth.
You engage in your enlightenment for your soul and human experience but also for your loved ones.
In this Self Realisation module, many participants deepened their connection with their children and inner cosmic child. I mention Noemie and Chris, as they specified it in their testimonial.
They, and the others, have became Light Parents.
Are you ready to engage in this new way of being to
v Know deep within yourself that you are a light.
v See the light in your child, surpass their human disguise.
v Speak to their core.
v Trust they are divine and perfect.
v Bathe in this profound connection of love, a wonderful experience of existential safety that you share.
And with all this, enjoy the lightness and wonder life can give you. You are both equally light and experience each other as light. There is no difference in being here on Earth or in the etheric realms because you see through that. Even more so, you live your divinity, love and respect the incarnation choice both made.
With Kindness,
Sabrina Di Nitto