Realising the I AM Presence, your Highest Self in this life.
Realizing your true Self is understanding and living the divine heart within which pulses in all life. The realization and understanding of your highest Self is the most important achievement you can attain in life.
Creation birthed your Self or Light Sphere,
and you carry within the reflection of all of existence. We call this the I AM THAT I AM, or the I AM Presence. It means you are your human and soul. It also means you carry within all of creation as a reflection.
Wat is the I AM Presence?
The I AM presence is your highest creator self and overarching light sphere emitting your pure white light essence. It emanates your truth, and pure essence light codes. The I AM Presence to Hindus is Brahma, to Buddhists Dharmakaya or truth body, to Christians, God the Father.
Your I AM Presence, like a radiant light, is intertwined with your very essence in this moment. Your sense of limitation and the accumulation of vibrations from this and past lifetimes, which fall short of the highest qualities of your True Self, are the only things that separate you from the I AM THAT I AM.
Ascended masters have taught this path back to the inner Source to seekers on the path to self-realization. In this new era of light, the enlightenment codes modules guide you to shift from seeker to finder.
The only purpose we have in life is to unite with the I AM presence and each one of us is destined to do so.
What is the I AM that I AM?
The I AM that I AM refers to I am the drop and the ocean. I am human and at the same time divine. And, as a soul, am every aspect of my soul, and at the same time all my soul aspects all together. While I am my soul and at the same time source within, I understand and feel I am its reflection. Because I am human, and the embodiment of source within, I also carry within all source wisdom.
My journey on earth is devoted to the remembrance of my divine self and even more so, living it in every moment. In this way, every moment becomes a blissful experience in which I feel connected in my heart with all of existence. Every moment becomes a transcendental experience of uttermost beauty and joy. I experience my life as fulfilling in every single sense of that word.
This I call Experiential Bliss or Eternal Bliss, the building block of creation that also made up my soul.
You are the embodiment of your soul’s divine potential.
Your soul walked a long spiritual path in time and space. You were living the stories and incarnation cycles of Earth. The energy of the incarnation wheel did not allow you to release from it, and you relived the same stories repeatedly.
Through these enlightenment modules, you can release old human and cosmic stories in which entangle you. You can set yourself free to live the pure energy of your soul.
Life is not about resolving karma and learning. It is about becoming one with your highest self and the remembrance of all the wisdom that already lives within you. You are an identical replica of creation.
All you must do is remember.
If you desire to open the spectrum of your divine potentials, please see the link below. I organise it in monthly group sessions.
Illuminate your unknown potentials Cosmic Moon Codes Metaphysics of Light
How you can achieve the most fulfilling existence through embodying your I AM presence.
Your purpose on earth is to illuminate all that you are, your human and soul. All your soul potentials want to emerge, so you embody self-mastery. Your soul wants you to become a Sovereign Light Master.
In this process, the purification of your physical body and all your light codes is of high importance. If you do not cleanse your human profoundly, underlying themes can bring you back into your old light codes. For this reason, the enlightenment codes modules offer you profound guidance. And most specifically Venus Light Technology, with its series of private and group sessions, guide you with detail on your ascension in the Light.
The path of your past journey through multiple incarnations ultimately culminates in the profound realization of your I AM presence, a state of pure self-awareness that permeates your being. We’re reaching the end point if you choose. Discover your true home by reuniting with your highest self.
If you are interested in joining one of the enlightenment modules, please reach out.
With kindness,
Restore and heal the Sovereign nature of your Heart. Twin Flame Union