Embrace Enlightened Spirituality: Break Free From Abusive Cycles.
Even in its most subtle form, abusive energy follows an energetic pattern that prevents you from transmuting your old human foundations and reaching Self Realisation.
When your limits are disregarded physically, emotionally, and spiritually, your understanding of a healthy relationship with your Soul, Self, self, and others fade away.
You lose touch with the essence of space and freedom: your personal and spiritual space, your personal and spiritual freedom. When you cannot remember how to unlock your energetic space and spiritual freedom, you unintentionally permit others to enter and suppress your soul energy. You deviate from your Authentic Soul Essence and remain in the energetic cycle of spiritual abusive energy.
Others energetically find a way to enter your life. They navigate the same patterns and energetic pathways, invited by past events.
Giving permission to others to take your energetic freedom deprives you of your sacred space, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Break free from abusive cycles and embrace enlightened spirituality
Unlock your energetic space and spiritual freedom.
What is the meaning of abusive energy and how can it affect your Self Realisation, Embodied Enlightenment and Enlightened Spirituality.
An energetic cycle of spiritual abusive energy may appear as physical and sexual harm towards your sacred body. However, it also may involve intentional manipulation and emotional and mental hurt.
Violation of your sacredness can also occur through language. Along with that, the way you speak, both in volume and tone, has a direct impact on your emotional safety and the energy of your light body. You might retract and hold back as a pattern. You might visualize a space where the presence of one suffocates your ability to just be and express yourself.
One’s body language may also be a manifestation of abuse.
Abusive energy may have its influence on both your physical body and its subtle energy fields. If at this moment, you are unable to sense these subtle layers, it may be because you have purposely closed off that part of yourself to avoid feeling pain.
While you embody your light you desire to be profound love. But the subtle nature of abusive energies still entangle and dim you. You can surpass this by crystal clear awareness and discernment.
Everything above is an expression of disrespect, of not being seen, of not being felt in your most pure form, because the other does not see and feel him or herself.
It dawns on me how often these forms are of disrespect are directed towards children, how disheartening they are, how they evoke so much helplessness in innocent children, and how disappointing and unsafe life must seem for them at that moment, and thereafter.
By spiritual abuse, we mean how through our soul lives, we have always dealt with these restraining energies. These energies shape the type of soul life and the core responses we have as souls. These patterns may be engrained so deeply that even on a cosmic level your energy body remembers them. So, you may end up in the same type of (soul) life over and over again.
The energy pattern behind all these forms creates an indentation in your energy field. An indentation that you cannot easily fold outward. An entanglement. The pattern creates a pathway for others to enter you. The pattern becomes a blind spot for you, because you become so accustomed to it—and especially, on higher levels, you often fail to see it.
You gave permission to take your energetic freedom and became detrimental for your Self Love and Worthiness: You held back your divine essence. You were not able to embody your enlightened spirituality.
Your love and tenderness for self suffer when you do not have the space and time to be gentle with yourself because of your constant conscious or unconscious alertness to the outside world. You desire for your authentic soul essence, as your divine mother nurturing you, and can experience deep unconscious grief and dimming.
In this abusive energy cycle, your energetic system has allowed a way to open for you but does not know how to reverse it.
You are unable to give the love you would like to give to yourself, the gentleness, the nurturing, the respect, and the space to be there fully in who you are.
Not knowing is preventing you from experiencing personal and soul growth.
You cannot miss what you are not aware of.
At the very depths of your being resides a delicate sadness, a void, a yearning. Ignoring this leads to perpetual dissatisfaction and solitude, regardless of your actions. To achieve true fulfilment, you must explore the exquisite energies of self-love, self-worth, and dignity at the subtle levels of your soul.
If you have felt the profound self-love of your soul before, then you know what I mean. I have no doubt about this.
How to re-establish and reinforce your authentic soul energy boundaries to prevent intrusion, break free from abusive cycles and embody your enlightened spirituality.
The inability to unfold and develop oneself is a result of intrusions in the mental, emotional, and spiritual domains. During passive alertness, you maintain a state of polarity. Even more so, in a non-confrontational state, you are instinctively on guard against being mistreated, manipulated, or overwhelmed.
You are stuck in an inert energetic battlefield. Duality is the term used to describe the inability to be present without feeling alertness, danger, fear (existential or not), or subtle a lack of emotional safety.
These soul patterns of intrusion, abuse, overpowering, and disrespect repeat themselves cyclically in your soul life.
It is beyond your human experience.
Therefore, unconscious or conscious polarity becomes the framework of your life. Your soul is already familiar with this. You are simply repeating what you are familiar with, having experienced it many times before.
Your core soul is authentic, where you can safely embrace what is.
You long to feel the warmth of home and release the tension accumulated in your body and energy over countless centuries… Yes, you read that accurately. These patterns have a rich history that spans thousands and thousands of years. They sadly reverberate in the now moment.
Give yourself the freedom to release the foundational architecture of intrusion that has been present in your life. By doing so, you will understand that it may not be entirely unfamiliar to you.
You probably haven’t thought about completely changing this pattern. Unearth it, de-root it so you can feel spacious, light, and joyful, giving you the room to grow and fully express yourself emotionally and spiritually.
One thing is sure: You are a beautiful Being of Light so embrace enlightened spirituality. Break free from abusive cycles
Your core essence is freedom, liberation, spaciousness, hope, and bliss.
As you continue to struggle in those shadow fields, letting go requires a click from you. Your entire foundation can undergo a complete shift if you grasp how it can be different. You can completely change how you live and what you know.
And now, in this cyclical movement of patterns that were once ignited, you may allow yourself to be sovereign and release all that.
It is possible to explore your core identity without the heaviness of baggage, weight, polarity, and alertness.
You can choose to relax the central nervous system of your soul and energy fields and come home.
This is what your soul has always desired for you.
Embodying Your Enlightenment: Regain Your Spiritual Freedom
Enlightenment Modules for the embodiment of your enlightened spirituality:
There are several enlightenment modules offering you this on different levels.
Venus Light Technology is the most complete enlightenment module. It transmutes your current human foundations guiding you in to your soul heart to never part again.
It restores the true core essence of who you are as a soul. You leave behind your old self. Your life will never be the same. The change you will go through is profound and lasting.
For more information, please reach out. I am pleased to assist you further.
The Twin Flame transmutes on a soul–heart level and this you can feel in your relationship with Self and others.
You will discern where the relationship pattern you live is no longer serving you. You will also gain a profound connection to your heart light, feel supported and complete from within. Experience how it is to nurture your sacred heart dearly.
For more information, please reach out. I am pleased to assist you further.
With Kindness,
Sabrina Di Nitto