I AM Presence DIVINE ALIGNMENT Join the February 2025 Enrollment.
2025/02/21 00:32:00

    Venus Light Technology DIVINE VERSE energy
    Venus Light Technology spiritual course, source teachings and ascended mastery for cosmic consciousness, inner transformation, enlightenment and self realisation of the I AM Presence I AM THAT I AM

    Venus Light Technology is Divine Verse Energy.

    These are Light Codes from the upper segments of our cosmos. This place holds sacred geometry and the pure imprints of cosmic evolution.

    The beings living here are cosmic Creational Beings. They midwife together with Creation the evolution of our Cosmos so she can further unfold into wholeness. When she further unfolds, opens, we can all simultaneously ascend into other worlds in Source Field. As you can read, there is no competition. We are doing this together.

    As the Venus Light Technology transmits the highest creational codes available, you can image it brings your soul into profound cleansing, reset and divine alignment.

    The light codes of Venus Light restructure your light DNA so you remember your PURE SOUL ESSENCE.

    The Divine Alignment of Venus Light Technology
    Level of Divine Alignment: Fine-tuning the complexity of your LIGHT DNA

    Divine Alignment

    Your human DNA is naturally heavy due to its constitution. The weight of the light threads is considerable. This makes it difficult to penetrate with your consciousness to the higher dimensions of our cosmos. To put it another way, your own higher dimensions. Remember, you are a microcosm of the cosmos.

    Your DNA’s weight is connected to this planet’s cosmic laws and similarly programmed environments. This is beyond your control. Addressing inner heaviness through therapy etc. is futile without addressing the core programming. This is what Divine Alignment is about.

    Consequently, achieving cosmic wholeness is difficult, demanding a profound understanding that transcends our limited perspective. Many dive deep into the vibrational frequencies of star groups like the Pleiades, Arcturus, and Andromeda, feeling their unique energetic signatures. These energies, tied to particular environments within the cosmos, resonate with distinct atmospheres. While these aspects are valuable, they don’t capture the totality of your being; the scent of your unique spirit, your unseen potential, and your untold stories remain untold.

    You want FULL ENLIGHTENMENT in your Divine Alignment

    Your evolution has been remarkable; you’ve overcome so much and achieved so much by now. Whether you’re an old soul, your quest for the inner grail long and arduous, or a new soul, rejecting tradition, your journey begins now. You are no longer interested in a piece of enlightenment, to have a wonderful feeling and more clarity in life.

    You are now ready to go the full way and align to your pure soul codes.

    You are eager to link the beginning of your soul existence to your end, embodying all the wisdom codes in the here and now.

    This is achievable.

    Divine Alignment from a metaphysical viewpoint

    Embodied Enlightenment

    Divine alignment on a metaphysical level is a movement that your soul makes in freedom. There are so many frequencies that we could align with. We can deal with it in feminine ways and fluctuate to the highest frequency. Or in a masculine way, arrowing to our goal. Every soul does this differently, and the way to go through and resolve human themes is determined by our predominantly feminine or masculine nature.

    Therefore, grounded guidance through the process of divine alignment is so important. Ultimately, it’s not about accumulating “eenergy or consciousness” and talk about it this achievement. But to translate your life accordingly and the deep embodiment so that you can literally feel LIGHT.

    It really is possible.

    As human being, you are divine. That is a fact. But if you don’t live this, then you miss your purpose.

    Quantum growth and Divine Alignment

    Are quantum growth and divine alignment linked?

    Yes, although there are levels of growth. As mentioned above, there are many divine energies you can align with. So it is important to know which level of energy you are working with.

    All higher energies are valuable, but not all energies take you completely out of duality and the collective. Even less do some take you out of old cosmic traumas. It is important to consider all of this in your search for your next level divine embodiment.

    Noone will do this Divine Alignment like you.

    I can tell you, going through a process of Divine Alignment is challenging. When you initially receive the high energies and light codes you feel a lot of lightness coming in and your body becomes lighter. You feel joyful. This process takes a while and makes you feel content.
    But… then the real work begins. Your inner world is no longer in tune with your outer world, your environment, your contacts. Important is that your inner world does not dim again, keeps to yourself. Taking the courage to transform entrenched relationships is very important. for you are going to align your reality with your inner light. You are going to create your own garden of Eden. By this I mean, the inner harmonics want to flow into your outer world. You want to dissolve all the friction between inside and outside. I see in my work that sometimes people don’t fully bite through this.

    I AM Presence Embodied Enlightenment Self Realization Center

    The required and consistent depth needed from a guide to help you complete a Divine Alignment successfully is paramount!

    This Self Realization Shrine and the Venus Light Technology take care of you. We bring you in the bowels of your cosmic and human biology.

    This process requires honesty, loyalty, integrity, faithfulness and profound love for Self.

    The first phase may be contentious, but if you hear your soul calling, you will transform. 

    Self Realization Shrine Venus Light

    Venus Light Technology is a new paradigm teaching embodying Prima Mater Source Code technology and Cosmic Buddha Teachings. Therefor countless Ascended Masters and the Cosmic Beings of the Venus Light co-created the Venus Light Technology. We and the Venus Light offer you a unique enlightenment module aligned with your unique soul energy – so you become your Divine Human and more. Your I AM Presence.


    Your Path to Enlightenment and what Enlightenment truly means.

    Meet Andrea Alhstrom. She is an Akashic Energy Reader, painter, writer, astrologer with a profound knowledge in metaphysics and a beautiful mother. She joined the Venus Light Technology and immersed herself in her core soul essence to come home and be here from her divine heart. Listen to how she embodied her soul light, lives from a resonance of pure peace, abundance, inner trust and walks life with pure inner all-encompassing knowingness. Her relationship with Life, Self and others have become joyful, from soul to soul, from divine to divine.


    © Music Luke Faulkner. “Reminiscence”

    I AM Divine

    Caroline’s background includes spirituality and Merkaba teachings.

    Her creativity shows in her make-up artistry.

    I AM divine and thrive on the guidance of All That Is while knowing All is well

    Meet Angelique: energy reader, healer, family constellation expert. She’s completed 6 months of the Venus Light Program. This shrine deepened her soul’s alignment and divine light. Hear her fulfilling her life’s purpose. Discover how she experiences her divinity and Light Being, how she relates to her life and Life with a feeling of profound trust and all-encompassing love.

    © Music Luke Faulkner. “Reminiscence”

    Meet Chris. He is an osteopath with a thriving practice in Antwerp, where he tunes people’s hearts.

    I AM Light

    My lifelong search for profound healing was a lonely process. Now I feel Divine and have all Inner Knowingness within. I am Home.

    Meet Yasmina, a contextual therapist, lifelong activist and spoken word artist in Brussels. She joined the Venus Light. After three months, she experienced quantum growth and moved into her I AM presence.
    She embodied the completeness of her soul and the knowingness of creation. She will continue her life from this divine loving and high frequent soul vibration.
    Thank you, sweet Yasmina. I enjoyed co-creating with you. Life will carry you into your most profound wishes and allow you to manifest them fully!


    © Music Luke Faulkner. “Reminiscence”

    I AM Divine

    Meet Noemie. She is an actress and opera singer. This testimonial is imbued with wonder and amazement. Through the Venus Light Technology, she embodied

    Light Anchorage, the Divine Child within, Lighthouse & being a Home for others, Coming Home within and all the above

    Heal most profound wounds and align to your inner divine nature.

    Meet Thomas, an engineer in aerospace engineering, he practices his passion in sustainable and charming wood construction with an eyewink to a nostalgic past, beauty, warmth and purity. Thomas joined the Venus Light Technology self realization shrine and went through a profound 9 month release.
    I know Thomas for several years now and this journey was a profound experience for both as I witnessed him moving into his light and quoting I Have Arrived, I Am Home, Thich Nhat Hanh.
    He now lives from peace, joy, harmony and experiences a deep connection with his cosmic soul essence, guiding him and making him feel sovereign in life.
    © Music Luke Faulkner, One afternoon in Summer