The Twin Flame Soul Union heals your heart from the primordial wounds of separation.

Can you heal your life, your most profound wounds and align to your inner divine nature?

Yes, you can.

Meet Thomas, an engineer in aerospace engineering, he practices his passion in sustainable and charming wood construction with an eyewink to a nostalgic past, beauty, warmth and purity. Thomas joined the Venus Light Technology self realization shrine and went through a profound 9 month release.
I know Thomas for several years now and this journey was a profound experience for both as I witnessed him moving into his light and quoting I Have Arrived, I Am Home, Thich Nhat Hanh.
He now lives from peace, joy, harmony and experiences a deep connection with his cosmic soul essence, guiding him and making him feel sovereign in life.

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ThomasVenus Light Technology

My lifelong search for profound healing was a lonely process.

Now I feel Divine and have all Inner Knowingness within. I am Home.

Meet Yasmina Lemsiah. She is a contextual therapist, lifelong activist and spoken word artist in Brussels. She joined the Venus Light Technology program. After three months, she experienced quantum growth and moved into her I AM presence.
She embodied the completeness of her soul and the knowingness of creation. She will continue her life from this divine loving and high frequent soul vibration.
Thank you, sweet Yasmina. I enjoyed co-creating with you. Life will carry you into your most profound wishes and allow you to manifest them fully!

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Venus LIght TEchnology
YasminaVenus Light Technology

Your Path to Enlightenment and what Enlightenment truly means.

Meet Andrea Alhstrom. She is an Akashic Energy Reader, painter, writer, astrologer with a profound knowledge in metaphysics and a beautiful mother. She joined the Venus Light Technology and immersed herself in her core soul essence to come home and be here from her divine heart. Listen to how she embodied her soul light, lives from a resonance of pure peace, abundance, inner trust and walks life with pure inner all-encompassing knowingness. Her relationship with Life, Self and others have become joyful, from soul to soul, from divine to divine.

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AndreaVenus Light Technology

Unique experience. The activations are very powerful. I needed time to recover. Twin Soul Union allowed me to feel Sovereign in love. I feel more balance in my feminine and masculine energy. I feel more whole and complete. I feel less lonely within me.


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Wan TingThe Primordial Soul Wound: Twin Flame Soul Union