Divine Light Fusion Reading
Sourcing your inner light and holding zero point is daunting when you release your human.
This prepares you for inner light fusion.
Divine Light fusion sessions help you to emerge and further unfold, expand your light circuits in your body.
By living more from your light, you transcend the human experience and you live life more and more through the experience of your soul. 
Your light circuit is your blueprint on which your physical body is built. By removing crucial obstacles to your enlightenment, an immense amount of space within your being emerges, surpassing the limits of physical dimensions.
As a result, you are able to embody your divine essence to an increasing extent.
You experience daily life lightly.
Light fusion remembers you are LIGHT and experience this in all moments

Divine Light Fusion Reading

This reading serves to observe what stage of light fusion you are in. Your light structures are read in their current situation. The blockages that prevent you from being fully in your light embodiment are named, and which steps are important to change this.

This profound reading sheds light on your most important blockage to your enlightenment and self-realization. This clear, cosmic/human overarching vision about your soul and its future trajectory creates a lot of clarity in your human and how to fully integrate your light into your body. You experience a new personal/soul consolidated position and move from this anchored position, further into the future.


For whom

You will get the most out of this session when you have already done enough inner work and have gone through a thorough purification of your human blockages. Then you are ready to embody your inner light in your body. The reading of your light structures that want to surface can already bring about a lot of inner dynamics, and direct you on a path of quantum growth.

Energy Exchange

200 euros for 60 minutes.

Book a DIvine LIGHT FUSION reading Session


The reading exposed my most important patterns that prevent me from really descending into my body existentially, here on Earth. Sabrina touches my age-old human and cosmic patterns. I feel heard on such a deep level. I now understand what is holding me back from embodying my enlightenment. I now know which path I can take to connect fully with my soul, with Life.


Crystal clarity, 360 degrees overview on my human and cosmic patterns which are holding me back. This clarity I do not only understand, but I can feel it.

My body also understands. I loved it and feel grateful.


I have worked with many coaches, therapists, spiritual guides in different kind of teachings. I have done so much already. And, in this reading I really experience that I am seen in my wholeness. This makes me understand what my human and soul really need to move into my light and fuse my human and divine Self.


Sabrina focuses on the soul’s origin and its light structures across all dimensions. She reads on quantum and metaphysical level your light. She exposes the cosmic and human trauma, guiding you towards your next stage of growth as a person and a soul.
This allows you to take the next step which will have an effect on all your levels. It effortlessly and gracefully materializes in both the physical world and reality. All I can say is that it works, that I see myself shifting and feeling expansion.
What I appreciate so much about Sabrina is her broad background and that she is very multifaceted, she works with individuals, families, children, light metaphysics, light transmissions, cosmic parts, ancestral lines, cosmic dna upgrades, everything comes together in a reading, nothing stays in a dark corner. She really works from wholeness with individuals and soul on all their light levels. She brings everything down to soul level, creates a lot of clarity so that you move on a deep level, in your being human and in your light structures.

The restoration of your DIVINE remembrance comes at every level and opens for those of you in enlightenment and ascension. The quantum energies wait for no one now. It is a train you decide to take or allow to pass by.