Illuminate your Divine Potentials. Cosmic Moon Code Immersive 3 Months
Where Self-Realisation and Self-Actualization meet
Profound Soul Light Purification
The Cosmic moon codes purify your cosmic Light Sphere and allow old human codes, patterns, misconceptions, and your shadow potentials to transform into wisdom at cosmic soul level.
Your light potentials clarify for you on a soul level. Your soul can see them. They are seen by you. But this awareness emerges in your human life as well. As your soul potentials unveil by you seeing them, they can be brought into manifestation in your life. And you follow your soul’s self-actualization needs. You hear the calling and act upon it. You start living in sync with your soul.
Your soul’s self- realization process about its dormant soul potentials in the shadow regions of the soul activate and you embody their essence in your physical body by doing this Cosmic Moon Code series. Your self-realized soul potential codes are crystallized in your physical body. Thus, your body undergoes the soul realization process. Your body on core level, morphs, shifts and enlightens in its physical matter.
The self-realized soul potentials and you accepting them into your human life, has an impact on your human physical structure. By bringing them into your life, they contribute to the transformation of your physical cells and bone structures into crystalline light structures of your soul frequency.
As a result, a direct connection to your I AM presence and overall soul structure develops. This has an impact on you manifesting core soul wishes and it synchronizes with your human.
You transcend time and space to a certain extent in your human being and experience of life, but also in your manifestation. Time and space do not exist in light.
In the enlightenment codes you can find here, there is no longer a separation between self-actualization vs self-realization. But we bridge self-realisation and start the process of self-actualization based upon your self-actualization need. Because there is a built-in integrity of equality. Your genetic integrity. Your soul guides you flawlessly through this.
All you must do is be true to your light and you self-realise your pure core essence and manifest it. No need to look around what others do or what already exists and search for creativity with others. You will be in touch with your uniqueness.
This Self-Actualization series allows you to:
- Recode your system to the dynamics of blossoming.
- Ponder the Moon cycles and formulate a tapestry of prosperity for yourself. Your energy remembers it and offers it to Earth and beyond.
- Remind yourself that you have the power, the ability to shape life and support your own creation in what you want, what you desire and especially subconsciously in the knowledge of what you need.
- Acquire a correct understanding of light and dark transcending duality. Light as Moon Light and dark as Moon Shadow, the place where all your unborn seeds lie. You learn to bring them to the light.
- Position and engage yourself in an evolutionary process, to move with that dynamic from a conscious and soul level.
By working with a specific intent and engaging with this series, you can make it a part of your life in a tangible way. But ultimately, what happens on a higher level is that you are reawakened to the Code of Creation that rules this cosmos.
Is this Self-Actualization series for you?
The Cosmic Moon Codes is attracting people from all walks of life and backgrounds because it allows profound growth in unveiling soul potentials.
From health professionals, spiritual teachers, to parents raising “light-children,” from people on a path to enlightenment and self-healing to people who choose pure heart relationships or enlightened spirits.
For those who want to illuminate the corporate environment with their pure essence and integrity. With its ground-breaking new light structure, this technology also appeals to imaginative thinkers and visionaries who are ready for their next projects and want to transform the world within the Era of Light.
You can find more information here:
Illuminate your unknown potentials Cosmic Moon Codes Metaphysics of Light
Embrace your Inner Moon and Reveal your Hidden Soul Potential to the light. Enrol now.
What are the general traits of a Self- Actualized Human Being?
If you want to live from your I AM presence, embody your DIvine Light Being and change your existential foundations, you might want to ecplore the Venus Light technology.
In general and according to Maslov, the general traits of a Self- Actualized Human Being are described as peak experiences. Although when enganing in the Venus Light Technology Full Immersive a subtle and profound state of being of innerknowingness and profound peace.
You can find them here:Self-Actualization described as peak experience and here Self-Actualization. A general mainstream overview.